The SPAT program depends on donations and gifts to sustain and develop their activities. All donations will be received and managed by the JWF Foundation, an official charity from The Netherlands. The charity’s main focus is to support projects that contribute to emancipation and equality of people with a disability, especially in developing countries. All donations will be 100% used to sustain the SPAT project.
If you want to make a donation, please fill out the form below. You can also transfer your donation directly to the bank account of the JWF Foundation (IBAN): NL28ABNA0813254361, official name: Stichting J.Wesemann Fonds in The Hague, The Netherlands. Send us also an email at with the details of your donation.
Once we have received your donated, we will update you about the developments of the SPAT project. Thank you very much for your support and confidence!